Learning Outcome 4

Learning Outcome 4

Learning outcome 4 states that one should “be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.” Over the course of this semester, we had to peer review three essays and add any suggestions for global revisions such as organization, clarification, analyzing quotes, etc. By the third paper, this process had become a lot easier for me. I’ve chosen to show the second essay that I peer-reviewed for this learning outcome because I felt that it shows my best review process when reviewing another peer’s paper. In this student’s essay, I made several comments; some comments suggested global edits and others showed approval that the student was on the right track. One example of a global edit that I made was when I suggested editing the introduction. The introduction was long for this essay so I said: “The introduction is a little lengthy, maybe try to incorporate the details elsewhere in your paper.”  This is an example of how I demonstrated the learning outcome by being able to critique others’ work by suggesting a global edit, in this instance it was a suggestion concerning reorganization. I also suggested clarifying claims and ideas by asking the student questions in the margins. In my own essays, I have been able to make global edits such as fixing grammatical and spelling mistakes. I still have room to grow in the area of this learning outcome. There’s room for improvement when it comes to recognizing other global edits in my peers and my own essays. I don’t always recognize when I need to analyze or synthesize quotes on a deeper level, or when my peers need to as well.


Peer Reviewed Paper #2:
