Learning Outcomes 5 & 6

Learning Outcomes 5 & 6

For learning outcome 5 and 6, which include being able to properly cite (MLA) and control sentence-level errors, I chose a different writing piece than my showcase writing project because I felt that didn’t show my best work for these learning outcomes. Instead, I chose my second writing piece about science and art. In English Paper #2 I properly cited all of my sources throughout the essay and in my works cited page. I followed the correct MLA format and used the correct conventions. As a class, we discussed how to properly cite using the MLA format. For example, if you directly state [the author] said, “…” then you do not need to put their last name at the end in parentheses. One example from my essay where I incorporated a quote from Yo-Yo Ma I cited him properly by writing, “He says, “Yet we are also aware that wise and balanced judgment results from integrating the critical and empathetic, taking emotions as well as reason into account.” By “he” I was referencing Ma, so I did not need to add his last name at the end as well.  I also controlled my sentence-level errors by fixing any grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. This is a form of local revisions that correct these errors. There were a few misuses or lack thereof of commas, but I was mostly able to find and correct them in my final draft. I was also able to catch any misspellings as I revised the first draft that I fixed for my final draft. This writing piece displays my best efforts to meet learning outcomes 5 and 6.
