Blog 5

Blog 5

Upon reviewing something for the first time it’s important to look at the big picture because this is only the initial review and the paper will undergo many more revisions before it’s finalized. Making global edits is essential to providing feedback that will help the author with their first round of revisions. This will help them clarify their ideas and gather their thoughts in a more organized fashion, rather than making global edits right away. Most of the words that you read on the first go probably won’t even make it into the final draft, so half of the local edits will be dismissed anyway. While I was editing my peer’s papers I found it a little challenging to only focus on the global edits rather than the local edits because I wanted to help fix any little problem. However, once I read through the papers I was easily able to go back through them and make suggestions that would help with their overall ideas and claims, such as suggesting what to add to clarify a paragraph, or simply mentioning that I liked a quote they used because it really supported their argument and claims. The local edits will come with the fine tuning when the paper nears its final draft. The global edits are really important for directing the writer in the right direction so they can organize their ideas in the best way possible.

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